FinFisher spyware docs detail surveillance limitations

A parody Gamma International Twitter account is releasing secret documents that detail FinFisher spyware limitations, spying modules, mobile capabilities, price list and antivirus detection of the malware typically sold to governments.

“Phineas Fisher” aka @GammaGroupPR, a parody Twitter account of the Gamma Group that specializes in FinFisher spyware, certainly knows how to snag attention. Its very first tweet announced, “Here at Gamma International, we've run out of governments to sell to, so we're opening up sales to the general public!”

Then come the links to leaked FinFisher documents stored in Dropbox, including a product brochure featuring FinFisher’s selection of monitoring software and capabilities (pdf), user manual with troubleshooting tips for setting up a FinSpy server, price list, release notes for FinSpy Mobile 4.51, and another document that spells out how well the spyware does on Windows Mobile devices.
WikiLeaks Spy Files first released documents detailing FinFisher in 2011. Citizen Lab research from 2012 showed how the sneaky FinFisher surveillance had gone mobile. The leaked documents via @GammaGroupPR are the newest, with some dated April 2014.

Read more here.
