Federal Fusion Centers are Spying on You - A Search Warrant? What is That?

(Tenth Amendment Center)  -  In the midst of the never-ending NSA spying revelations, it is easy to lose track of all of the unconstitutional acts committed by the so-called intelligence community – and the ways that NSA spying, and mentality behind it, permeates law enforcement at all levels.

One  troubling aspect recently revealed is the fact that the feds give warrantless, illegally-collected information to local law-enforcement agencies for their investigations. This is done through something called “Special Operations Division,” and through Fusion Centers.

The Fusion Centers act as a conduit for Big Brother – they’re a place to simply receive data collected, with or without a warrant, by federal agencies like the NSA.  That information is passed on to local law enforcement and often used in day-to-day criminal investigations.

Fusion Centers were set-up under the "small government" Bush Administration to “help keep America safe” after 9/11. The Patriot Act removed barriers that prevented the feds from sharing intelligence information with local law enforcement. This was meant to facilitate communication between agencies so decisions could be made quickly in order to “prevent another terrorist attack.”  At least that’s how it was sold. Unfortunately, this practice has been abused and focused on the whole American population – not just terror suspects.

More here.
