Bug Found in Regional Jail Office

CHARLESTON - A bugging device uncovered in an air duct in the office of the Regional Jail Authority's chief of operations has become the target of an FBI investigation, a key legislator disclosed Friday.
The first inkling of the bizarre episode came when Delegate Dave Perry, D-Fayette, as co-chairman of a legislative interims committee, quizzed acting Regional Jail Authority Director Joe DeLong if he was aware of any inquiry - internal or external - involving his agency. DeLong is a Hancock County native.
This was in the July interims session, about two weeks after the device allegedly turned up in John Lopez' office in Charleston, and DeLong told the Oversight Committee on Regional Jail and Correctional Facility Authority he had no knowledge of any such investigation.
At that time, Perry made no mention of a bugging device, or of Lopez in particular.
Perry said he learned that Lopez found the device July 12 after spying some residue from a ceiling tile in the chair of his office.
"It was up overhead, and it had both audio and visual, in an air duct," Perry said.
More here: http://www.theintelligencer.net/page/content.detail/id/572868/Bug-Found-in-Regional-Jail-Office.html?nav=515
